Here are the steps to consider when applying for a microlux microcredit :
I get in touch with microlux through the contact form or by phone.
I meet with a loan officer to talk about my project.
If necessary, I can benefit from free personalized coaching to finalize my business plan and my application.
My loan officer submits my application to the Credit Committee who is going to take the decision about the loan.
Following the positive decision of the Credit Committee, I sign the loan agreement and the microcredit is going to be disbursed on my bank account.
I repay my loan each month and I may benefit from the support of a coach with my business.
How much can you repay per month? for how long? Feel free to modulate the amount and duration of this tool to calculate your monthly payment and the cost of your microcredit!
Anyone with a business idea or who wants to develop its business and needs financing to launch its activity, and who does not have access to a traditional bank credit: