Business in focus – Hair salon

Key points

Franchise or independent?

Franchising allows you to benefit from the experience, marketing strength and reputation of a large group. However, this will also reduce your margins. An independent salon will give you more freedom and flexibility, but also more work to make yourself known. The choice isn’t always easy!


A hair salon is a local business. That’s why it’s important for your show to have a high profile. Setting up on a busy street, in the center of town or in a shopping area is an undeniable advantage, even if it costs more. If your salon is located in a less-frequented area, you’ll need to invest in marketing and advertising, or already have a loyal clientele.

Staff recruitment

For your future salon, you’ll probably need to recruit one or more people. As people play a key role in a hair salon, this is an important step. This means recruiting employees with the necessary qualifications, but also making sure they don’t change too often. Hair salon customers need to be loyal.

Getting started

The creation process

The main requirement for obtaining a business license to open a hairdressing salon is that the company founder or one of the employees must hold a Brevet de Maitrise. The Chambre des Métiers will be able to advise you on how to obtain a business license.

Initial investment

The initial investment can be substantial, and a number of items of equipment need to be acquired (bins, chairs, dryers, etc.).

Key figures and ratios

In general, expenditure breaks down as follows:

  • 50 to 60% of sales for personnel costs
  • 30% for rent and operating costs (electricity, water, accountant, etc.)
  • 5 to 10% for raw materials (coloring products, skincare products, etc.)

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